Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Talking With by Jane Martin (play assignment 1)

1. What did you think about the play as a whole? Did it surprise you or please you or frustrate you? Explain why you reacted to the play in this way.
I was very pleased with the play, because I found her writing and her characters relate able in some sense and also realistic, I especially enjoyed "Twirler" and all the quirks of the characters as well.

2. What is the premise of "Talking With"? In a sentence or two, explain what you think is the premise or main idea/theme of the play.
I think that the main idea is the variety of people and their own life experiences and stories.

3. The "audience" for each character changes as the play continues. How does the author help a viewer or reader understand who the character in question is "talking with..."? Overall, by the end of the play, who do you think the playwright Jane Martin is "Talking with...?" Support your opinion.
Jane martin helps us understand who the audience is by the dialogue used through out each monologue, when the character uses names, titles ect. also in the stage directions there are some hints also. By the end of the play I realized that Jane Martin is "talking with..." different aspiring and hopeful people telling their own stories and their own audiences.

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