Sunday, March 7, 2010

My weekend: "Treason in America: 9/11, the wars & our Broken Constitution"

Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: On friday March fifth at three thirty p.m., I left Rochester to go with my Dad, to this convention on the truth about 9/11.
I remember september eleventh two thousand and one. I Don't recall the day exactly, I was only five years old. But that day I was in school, a very small private school in the city, We all left early that day, it was a beautiful day and in those carefree years of my life it seemed a day like this could never be ruined. But something was wrong, not many kids could tell, but i noticed. I saw it in the faces of the teachers, and soon we were all picked up early. We all ran outside happy to leave. My parents picked me up together, which I found weird. My mom was worried, she was scared but she stayed quiet about it. My father was upset but I stressed that by not showing it. He took us out to ice cream, we talked about school and the nice day, we talked about what we might eat for dinner, we talked about all those things other than what had happened that morning at ten after nine.
I think that my parents didn't want me to worry. Unfortunately I do not remember how I found out what happened that day. I just know that I know now.
ask yourself, what happened on september eleventh two thousand and one?
people believe that, nine eleven was the day that two planes crashed into the twin towers in new york city, killing thousands. That terrorists had taken control.
Americans believe 9/11 was what the president told us it was. That, what the media told us, was what happened. But it has been proved to me that they are wrong, our government is severely corrupt and that most americans are blinded from a nation controlled by the media, most americans have no idea that three buildings were destroyed.
My next few posts will be on the truth of 9/11. What really happened.
that nine eleven was an inside job. Because its your job and my job to let everyone know what is hidden from us.

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