Friday, March 5, 2010

School of the arts- "or mission is student success... Academic, Artistic, and Humanistic."

I go to the school of the arts in Rochester New York, It is an arts school which involves an audition process, this blog in which I am writing on right now, is apart of my creative writing (my major at the school) class. Our assignment today for our blog is to evaluate our mission (in the above title) it says on our home page (i will provide a link at the bottom of the page) our mission: "OUR MISSION IS STUDENT SUCCESS... ACADEMIC, ARTISTIC, AND HUMANISTIC."

I believe this to be true, to an extent. I don't feel as though SOTA is wrong in this at all. At our school, though an arts school, we focus on our academics above all. I believe this experience, being in an arts school, is a privilege, and It's great if you are the most creative writer in our class, the singer with the broadest vocal range, the artist who makes there drawings closest to the apple they are trying to put on paper, the tech major who had the best craftsmanship in a set, The dance major who can provide the strongest feelings through a dance routine, an actor who can really make an audience believe your character, or a musician who can enchant you with original songs, but in reality it doesn't matter, it can get you far, but in many ways you will get no where without your academics.
Humanity is also one of our important values, our community service hours take us far, and the staff at SOTA is accepting and friendly, like the students. We have our cliques but we don't discriminate, and it depends more, not on they way we dress or how we look, but on the content of our character.
Though SOTA has all of these wonderful values, I think it would be great if we expand our horizons. We have our arts, and I assume most funding goes to this at our school, but I think it would be great if we could have more after school activities, and more extra experiences that range beyond the arts. I think that we should have more sports variety, this would interest more kids and promote exercise. We should split from sharing with east, and make our school bigger, get fields and a pool, and another gym.
But I don't think sports is the only new extracurricular activities we need.
I have a lot of friends who attend Brighton High school, I remember looking in there year book, I turned to the end of it to see the clubs and extracurricular activities, pictures, I was shocked by how many they had. I pointed to as little as seven that I would join if I went to the school. They such a big variety that there were many I would join. I believe if we include more of these, that we can encourage kids to be more well-rounded and educated, find interests of theres for their futures. With these changes we can guarantee a totally more likely chance of a bright future that many kids who are from the inner city would not be able to have without school. We deserve this.
Personally, in addition to these changes I think it would make many students very happy to see more incentives,dances, trips, and pep rallies to promote school spirit.
I love my school and i want it to be the best it can for not only me but for our future generations, if SOTA's mission is student success, I do not see any road blocks into a path of success and for all of my suggestions to come true, if Success is our mission we won't fail.

1 comment:

  1. 8D

    "Expand you horizons"
    That's my favorite all-time line ever and you used it.

    On a more serious note, I agree. I do miss staying after school other than trying to catch up on labs and study for math. I would be happy to see more stuff, but not enough stuff that would make us super busy. Maybe we could try to convince present this to Ms. Pacheco and get some more stuff (which we probably won't have because our graduating class is the worst one).
