Thursday, October 22, 2009

Candi Topps- Charecter Brainstorm

Name and age?
Candi Topps, age 13
Nickname? Who gave it?
Candy Cane, is her nickname given to her by the creepy elderly man who lives next door to her. She cannot be rude to him, because her single mom will ground her if she hears her disrespect to the man. If he was a young boy, however, she would be able to tell him off.
What is most noticeable about your character’s appearance/physical presence? How does he or she feel about it?
Candi is very unique looking, she has large deer caught in headlight, like eyes, that turn upward. She is native American as well, with short hard to tame hair. Her eyes are also a green apple color, which is offset by her russet skin. She is small and delicate, vary bony because she doesn't like eating, but playing outdoors. But even though she seems very fragile and tiny, she is extremely clumsy.

Describe his or her voice, verbal ticks, pet phrases etc.
She has a loud voice, that is very dramatic. She tries to learn street lingo from the older boys, whom she always trys to hang around, because she wants "street cred." So her speech often includes, cheesy over the top lingo.
Describe a gesture your character makes.
She uses her hands to talk a lot. And the one finger salute.

Where does he or she now live? Describe the city, town or village, the house itself. Be very specific. It doesn’t have to be in Canada. Any feelings about this place? She lives in westampton NJ, on an Indian reservation.
Has s/he lived elsewhere? What does s/he remember of these places?
she has lived in other places on the reservation, like apartments, but now she lives in her first house.

What part of her home is her favourite? Least favourite? Why. Describe, using specific details. Her favorite part is the attic, because of the secret crawl spaces, old belongings from the previous owners and because she can paint on the walls and be alone. Her least favorite is the Kitchen, because it reminds her of the times her parents fought in the kitchen, and the fact that she doesn't like food, which is a repressed habit from her unhappiness associated with the eating place. What does your character’s bedroom/sleeping place look like? (lots of detail please) It has pink wall paper that peels at places, stuffed animals on the floor, unmade single bed, a stained rug and a small plastic dresser and free standing closet.
What does he or she wear to sleep in?
She sleeps in a over sized shirt her mom got her from Florida when the visited family down there

What does your character dream of at night?
a strange world and a boy named Ranks of Glory, who she roams the mysterious dream world with. She wishes it was real.

Who are/were her parents? Rest of family? What does she feel for them?
Her father is dead, from lung cancer, and her mother is a single mom that takes care of her. She loves her mother very much, she actually, surprisingly understands how much her mom sacra fices for her.
Class, ethnic group, religious background?
She is lower middle class, is native American, and is not religious at all.
Who does s/he love, or has s/he loved? Or what. Detail.
Ranks of Glory, her mom, Frankie, and Chirsty.
Who loves him or her?
Ranks of glory? Chirsty, her mom. Frankie.
Married/ in relationship/single? Give names and specifics.
in a relationship with her neighbor derrick, who she doesn't really like. She just wanted a boyfriend like Chirsty has.
How does your character feel about sex/intimacy? What sexual relationship(s) is he or she involved in?
She was raped once by a local gang, but was saved from death by the older boys and there gang, who killed the gang's leader. She has had sex once with Frankie, who loves her but he feels guilty about his feelings, so he pretends to not love her.

Exactly what does your character do to make a living (or in the case of a child, what do his/ her parents do; or in the case of independent wealth, how does he or she pass the time?)? How much does s/he earn? Feelings about work? What is the best part of the job, the worst?
Her Mom is a cleaning lady at the local hospital.
Who or what does/he fear?
She makes everyone believe she is tough as nails and is afraid of nothing. But she is actually afraid of how people perceive her.

What about his or her life would he or she change if s/he could?
All of it. If it were up to her she'd live with ranks of glory in oracle.

Does the character have a hobby? Secret passion? (Can be something ordinary like soccer playing or yoga classes or mountain biking or sewing or fixing up old trucks - or an unusual interest like some Greek poet from the third century, or collecting spiders, or walking the tightrope…
She likes knitting, music, keytar, and cheerleading.

What would be his or her favourite smell ( why)?
Chanel no.5 perfume. It was once worn by her mother, when her father bought her a bottle, her only nice thing, for mother's day. Candi wanted to smell nice, so she tried putting some on but accidentally dropped and smashed the bottle.

What kind of shoes does he or she wear, (e.g. furry slippers or gumboot or trainers… new or old, style, what colour, fitting properly or too tight or too loose, nice and clean or old and smelly)? Describe exactly.
Nike High-tops. 

Favourite meal? Attitude to food?

Favourite clothes?
anything bright and hip. and studded belts.
What is the worst thing that could happen to him or her right now?
That she could breakdown and cry.
What vehicles does your character use/own? (for example: bike, skateboard, truck, yacht, stroller, canoe, spaceship, battered pickup, etc.. please be as exact as possible). What are his/her feelings towards it/them. What kind of journeys does he or she make?
She owns a bike, that she rides around town.
What is his or her most treasured possession?
Her old rotary phone.
What illnesses has he or she suffered, if any?
a cold.

What’s his/her philosophy of life? For example’ You’ve got to look after Number 1’ or ‘Never say die’ or ‘Don’t ask for reasons.” What are his or her most strongly held beliefs? never forgive, never forget,or, live everyday like its your last.

What does he or she feel guilty about?
trying to fit in.
Biggest mistake ever made?
Having sex.

Best thing he/she ever did?
winning the national spelling bee. 

What, right now, does your character want most of all? His or her deepest desire – a glass of water, to get out of her marriage, a new pair of shoes, peace and quiet…
To runaway with ranks into the dream world. 

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